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Divorce, Child Support, and Maintenance | State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts

Approved Statewide Forms — Divorce, Child Support, and Maintenance

The Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice has approved the following forms. All Illinois Courts must accept these forms. Scroll down below the chart for important information on how to fill out these forms, including the need for Adobe and downloading forms to save them properly so that you can electronically file them

Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union (Divorce With Children)

Illinois Legal Aid Online provides a guided interview called an Easy Form that will help you fill out the forms. The Easy Form asks you questions and completes the necessary forms with your answers. It is free to use.

Start Easy Form

To see the overall process of getting a divorce in Illinois when you have children, please click here.

Form Title Notes
How To Get a Divorce with Children Instructions Approved 03/2025
Petition for Divorce with Children Approved 03/2025
Additional Children - Petition Approved 03/2025
Other Information about Children Approved 03/2025
Parenting Plan Approved 03/2025
Additional Parenting Time Approved 03/2025
Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union with Children Approved 03/2025
Additional Children - Judgment Approved 03/2025
Additional Debts and Liabilities Approved 03/2025
Additional Personal Property and Bank Accounts Approved 03/2025
Letter to the Sheriff (Serving a Summons and Forms) Approved 03/2025
Summons Petition for Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union Approved 03/2025
Certification Agreement Approved 03/2025
Motion for Default Approved 03/2025
Order for Default Approved 03/2025
How to Fill Out the Certificate of Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union formApproved 03/2023
Certificate of Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union IDPH Form

Parenting Plan

Illinois Legal Aid Online provides a guided interview called an Easy Form that will help you fill out the forms. The Easy Form asks you questions and completes the necessary forms with your answers. It is free to use.

Start Easy Form

Form Title Notes
Parenting Plan Approved 03/2025
Additional Parenting Time Approved 03/2025
Additional Children - JudgmentApproved 03/2025

Child Support and Maintenance

Information about Changing Child Support Payments

If you want to change the amount of child support that has been ordered, you will need to file a motion asking the judge to do that. You can use the Motion forms. You will need to state on the Motion the reason the support should be changed. The form can be used to ask that the support be increased or decreased.

Illinois Legal Aid Online provides a guided interview called an Easy Form that will help you fill out the forms. The Easy Form asks you questions and completes the necessary forms with your answers. It is free to use.

Start Easy Form

Form Title Notes
How to Get an Order for Support Approved 11/2021
Order for Support Approved 02/2024
Support Information Sheet Approved 11/2021
How to Fill out the Income Withholding for Support Form Approved 03/2023
Income Withholding for Support Federal Form
Letter to Employer About Income Withholding for Support Approved 04/2018

Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union (Divorce No Children)

Illinois Legal Aid Online provides a guided interview called an Easy Form that will help you fill out the forms. The Easy Form asks you questions and completes the necessary forms with your answers. It is free to use.

Start Easy Form

Odyssey Guide and File also offers you a similar guided interview that will ask you a series of questions related to this topic. The program will complete the forms for you and help you e-file. It is free to use.

Form Title Notes
How to Get a Divorce Instructions (Divorce No Children) Approved 03/2025
Petition for Divorce (Divorce No Children) Approved 03/2025
Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union (Divorce No Children) Approved 03/2025
Additional Debts and Liabilities Approved 03/2025
Additional Personal Property and Bank Accounts Approved 03/2025
Certification Agreement (Divorce No Children) Approved 03/2025
Letter to the Sheriff (Serving a Summons and Forms) Approved 03/2025
Summons Petition for Dissolution of Marriage/Civil UnionApproved 03/2025
Motion for DefaultApproved 03/2025
Order for DefaultApproved 03/2025
How to Fill Out the Certificate of Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union form Approved 03/2023
Certificate of Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union IDPH Form


Note: These forms can be used in any civil case including Family & Divorce.

Illinois Legal Aid Online provides a guided interview called an Easy Form that will help you fill out the forms. The Easy Form asks you questions and completes the necessary forms with your answers. It is free to use.

Start Easy Form

Form Title Notes
Entry of Appearance (Petition for Dissolution of Marriage / Civil Union) Approved 10/2021


Note: These forms can be used in any civil case including Family & Divorce.

Illinois Legal Aid Online provides a guided interview called an Easy Form that will help you fill out the forms. The Easy Form asks you questions and completes the necessary forms with your answers. It is free to use.

Start Easy Form

Form Title Notes
How to Answer or Respond to a Court Case Approved 05/2024
Answer or Response Approved 05/2024
Additional Paragraphs for Answer or Response Approved 05/2024
Affirmative Defenses Approved 05/2024
Counterclaims Approved 05/2024

Financial Affidavit (Family & Divorce Cases)

Illinois Legal Aid Online provides a guided interview called an Easy Form that will help you fill out the forms. The Easy Form asks you questions and completes the necessary forms with your answers. It is free to use.

Start Easy Form

Form Title Notes
Getting Started Financial Affidavit (Family & Divorce Cases) Approved 06/2021
How to Complete a Financial Affidavit (Family & Divorce Cases) Approved 06/2021
Financial Affidavit (Family & Divorce Cases) Approved 02/2024
Additional My Employment/Business (Financial Affidavit) Approved 02/2024
Additional Health Insurance (Financial Affidavit) Approved 02/2024
Additional My Debts (Financial Affidavit) Approved 02/2024
Additional Cash and Cash Equivalents (Financial Affidavit) Approved 02/2024
Additional Certificates of Deposit (Financial Affidavit) Approved 02/2024
Additional Cash and Prepaid Debit Cards (Financial Affidavit) Approved 02/2024
Additional Investment Accounts and Securities (Financial Affidavit) Approved 02/2024
Additional Investment/Brokerage Accounts, Mutual Funds, and Secured or Unsecured Notes (Financial Affidavit) Approved 02/2024
Additional Real Estate (Financial Affidavit) Approved 02/2024
Additional Motor Vehicles (Financial Affidavit) Approved 02/2024
Additional Business Interests (Financial Affidavit) Approved 02/2024
Additional Life Insurance Policies (Financial Affidavit) Approved 02/2024
Additional Valuable Collectibles (Financial Affidavit) Approved 02/2024
Additional Other Personal Property Valued Over $500 (Financial Affidavit) Approved 02/2024
Additional Transfer or Sale of Assets or Property (Financial Affidavit) Approved 02/2024
Additional Lawsuits and Claims (Financial Affidavit) Approved 02/2024
Additional Retirement Benefits and Deferred Compensation (Financial Affidavit) Approved 02/2024

Interim Attorney's Fees Award Order

Form Title Notes
Interim Fee Award Order Approved


All forms are ADA accessible, and you can handwrite or type into the PDF form to fill it out. IMPORTANT: You will need Adobe Acrobat, or free Adobe Reader XI (or a higher version) in order to save completed forms. You MUST first SAVE/DOWNLOAD each form as a PDF to your computer before you begin. If you fill out a form on a webpage, you will lose your progress.

E-filing: If you are e-filing any of these forms, you will need to "flatten" the form so it cannot be changed after you complete it. You flatten the form in one of two ways:

  1. If you used Adobe Acrobat or Reader to complete your downloaded form (recommended), go to the "File" menu at the top, select "print", and choose "Adobe PDF" or "Print to PDF" from the dropdown menu. You will be told to save the form. This saved form will be "flattened" and you can e-file it.
  2. If you did not use Adobe Acrobat or Reader, your computer will select a software that will allow you to fill out the forms. You will need to look for a "Save as PDF" option. Depending on the software you use, this option may be found in the print dialog box under your "Print" menu option.
  3. Before e-filing any "flattened" form, be sure to open the file to make sure that it looks filled out.