Procurement Opportunities | State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice Self-Represented Litigant Coordinator Grants StatusClosed Publish Date5/19/2021 Due DateCompleted grant applications must be submitted before 5:00 pm on June 30, 2021 Attachments Directed ToJill Roberts, Supervising Senior Program Manager, Access to Justice Division, AOIC at: DescriptionThe goal of this project is to create, train, and support a statewide Court Navigator Network (Network) of clerks and court staff. Network members serve as a bridge, linking courthouses throughout the state, to share ideas, develop new resources, and establish programs for assisting SRLs, perhaps through additional and new methods because of COVID-19. Over the past few years, the base of this Network has been the Illinois JusticeCorps program and the SelfRepresented Litigant Coordinator (Coordinator) grant program. At the urging of the Illinois Judicial Conference, it is our mission is to maintain a Network with at least one member in every Judicial Circuit in the state.