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Procurement Opportunities | State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts

Supreme Court of Illinois / Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts - Adult Risk Assessment - Juvenile Risk Assessment Validation Request for Proposals

Summary Statement:

The Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts (AOIC), on behalf of the Supreme Court of Illinois, is using a competitive selection process (referred to herein as the “Request for Proposals” or “RFP”) to select a Vendor to conduct a comprehensive validation of the Adult Risk Assessment (ARA) and Juvenile Risk Assessment (JRA). In addition, the selected Vendor will be required to assess the current ARA and JRA tools and propose changes to address any identified taking into consideration Judicial Branch requirements, and all applicable statutes, rules, and policies. The RFP response may serve as the basis for subsequent contract negotiations with the selected Vendor.


In 2018, Illinois began rolling out the Adult Risk Assessment (ARA) and Juvenile Risk Assessment (JRA) which were adopted from the Ohio Risk Assessment System and the Ohio Youth Assessment System respectively. The ARA contains six tools and the JRA five tools designed to assess adults and juveniles supervised at different stages of the justice system. Of the six adult tools, AOIC is seeking to validate two, the Community Supervision Tool (CST) and Community Supervision Screening Tool (CSST). Of the five juvenile tools, AOIC is seeking to validate three, the Disposition Tool (DIS), the Reentry Tool (RET), and the Diversion Tool (DIV). Reviewing the validity of these tools will provide insight to how accurate the tool is in predicting outcomes of individuals being supervised.

Scope of Work:

Complete a validation study on the Adult Risk Assessment Community Supervision Tool (CST) and Community Supervision Screening Tool (CSST) as well as the Juvenile Risk Assessment Disposition Tool (DIS), Reentry Tool (RET), Diversion Tool (DIV). The study will validate the risk classifications are an accurate representation to actual recidivism in all Illinois jurisdictions. The study will include a review of assessors to ensure there are no variations in scoring from users.  The study will also review for bias in the tool and by the assessors. Upon completion of the study, provide written reports that indicate whether potential changes to the tool itself or the use of the tool are needed, and recommended action(s).

Project Deliverables:

The successful Vendor is expected to:

  • Meet virtually with AOIC Probation Services Division leadership and/or Probation Services Division staff to develop goals and timelines, determine roles and responsibilities, begin discussions on data sharing, creation of focus groups and other tasks alike as identified through the process.
  • Establish a data use agreement (DUA).
  • Conduct a review of current systems including but not limited to written risk assessment policies and procedures, trainings, annual reports, current risk assessment instruments, automated management reports, any recently enacted or pending legislation that may impact risk assessment or supervision practices. Interview supervisory and line staff.
  • Compile, clean and analyze data.
  • Consider the addition of a violence predictor (weapons/gun related charges).
  • Develop a comprehensive implementation plan.
  • Prepare a written report of the validation process and findings, and if applicable, make necessary changes to the current tool to ensure a validated instrument(s) and process is used in the State of Illinois.

Note: Vendors are encouraged to propose additional tasks or activities if they substantially improve the results of the project. These items should be separated from the required items on the price proposal.

Submissions of Proposals:

  1. Proposal Timelines. (Illinois is in the Central Time Zone (CST))
    1. March 11, 2024 - Posting Date on Illinois Courts website (
    2. April 1, 2024 - Questions Due. All questions regarding this RFP must be submitted via email to the following contact:

      Samantha Ogle
      Probation Program Analyst
    4. Vendor Conference: To be determined. Information will be posted on the Court website.
    5. May 1, 2024 - Submission Deadline. Proposals must be submitted in a searchable electronic PDF format to Facsimile submissions or late proposals will not be accepted or considered.
    6. Opening: All documentation sent with the proposal, including the proposal, will become the property of the AOIC.
    7. Vendor selection will be within 60 days after the proposal submission deadline. Once a bid is accepted, contract negotiations will begin promptly.
  2. Amendments. Any amendments to this RFP will be posted on the Illinois Courts Website.
  3. Modification/Withdrawal of Proposals: Written requests to modify or withdraw proposals received by the Judicial Branch prior to the scheduled opening time will be accepted and will be corrected after opening.