Access to Justice Commission accepting applications for Forms Committee | State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts Access to Justice Commission accepting applications for Forms Committee 9/26/2023 The Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice (ATJ Commission) is seeking two volunteer members to serve on its Forms Committee. The expected term of service is three years. The application is available via this link. The ATJ Commission is specifically seeking one candidate from each of the following court stakeholder groups: Clerk (circuit, appellate, or Supreme Court)Private attorney, trial court administrator, or court staff (e.g., self-help desk, law librarian, etc.). The Illinois Supreme Court established the Commission in 2012 to assist vulnerable court users, including self-represented litigants, limited English proficient litigants, and litigants with disabilities in accessing and navigating our courts. In 2014, the Access to Justice Division of the AOIC was established and the first statewide standardized forms were published, the Application for Waiver of Court Fees and Adult Name Change. There are currently 55 statewide standardize form sets published in myriad areas of law on the Illinois Courts’ website. The Forms Committee consists of ten members and serves as the leadership and reviewing body ultimately approving all draft and final statewide standardized court forms that are released by the Commission. The Forms Committee itself does not draft forms. This is done by thirteen subcommittees who create forms for use in the circuit, appellate, and Illinois Supreme Court. To be eligible for service on the Forms Committee, the following qualifications are desirable: Qualifications A dedication to increasing access to the court system for self-represent litigants, limited English proficient litigants, litigants with a disability, and historically marginalized communities.Knowledge of court processes and procedures, and an interest in how forms can allow for greater access to the court system.Commitment to attending Forms Committee meetings and actively participating. Responsibilities Assignment to two-person panels to review form sets drafted by subcommittees for submission to Forms Committee for ultimate approval.Review detailed draft forms, orders, and instructions and submit written comments in advance of quarterly Forms Committee meetings.Approve forms for publication on the Illinois Courts’ website.Assist in decision-making relating to policies, common language usage, and other high-level governing matters. Nomination ProcessTo apply for an opening with the Forms Committee, please complete the form via the link.Applications must be received by Friday, October 20, 2023. See More News Posts