The Illinois Supreme Court announced new appointments to the Court’s Judicial College Board of Trustees (Board), including expanding from seven to nine voting members effective July 1, 2024. These changes are intended to aid the Board in its governance of the seven Judicial College Standing Committees, including the recently established seventh standing committee, the Committee on Pretrial Education (CPTE). Board members, except for the Board Chair and Vice- Chair, serve as liaisons to each of the seven standing committees.
Effective July 1, 2024, Tazewell County Judge Lisa Y. Wilson will serve as Board Chair, and Champaign County Judge Ronda D. Holliman will serve as Board Vice-Chair, alongside existing Board members, 1st
District Appellate Court Justice Freddrenna M. Lyle and Cook County Judge Robert F. Harris. New members joining the Board effective July 1, 2024, will include Will County Judge Barbara Petrungaro and 1st District Appellate Court Justice Sanjay Tailor, as well as Judge
R.C. Bollinger of Macon County, Judge Alison Conlon of Cook County and Judge Sandra Parga of Kane County. They will replace Cook County Circuit Judge Thomas More Donnelly, Lake County Chief Judge Daniel B. Shanes, and 1st Circuit Judge Christy W. Solverson, who were inaugural members of the Board and all served as Board Chairs.
“We offer our sincere gratitude to Judges Donnelly, Shanes and Solverson for their dedication and years of service to the Illinois Judicial College,” Chief Justice Mary Jane Theis said. “They poured hours of volunteer service into making the College a multi-disciplinary body for the entire Judicial Branch. We also welcome the new members and look forward to their contributions for the comprehensive educational training and professional development of the Illinois Courts.”
The Court established the Illinois Judicial College January 1, 2016, to design and deliver comprehensive education to judges and justice partners, those judicial branch professionals who aid the courts in the administration of justice. An important aspect of the Court’s vision for the Judicial College in 2016 included intentional collaborative, multidisciplinary learning opportunities in addition to courses for individual Judicial Branch professions. This vision has been achieved through the curriculum and course design efforts of the members of the seven standing committees and their respective workgroups, the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts, and approved Judicial College faculty.