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New Illinois Supreme Court forms published to enhance access to justice | State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts

New Illinois Supreme Court forms published to enhance access to justice


By Kathryn Hensley, Supervising Senior Program Manager, Access to Justice Division

After numerous years of development, the Appellate Forms Subcommittee and the Forms Committee of the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice are pleased to announce the publication of six form sets for filing an appeal with the Illinois Supreme Court. These form sets are: Petition for Leave to Appeal; Answer to Petition for Leave to Appeal; Notice of Election; Appellant’s Brief; Appellee’s Brief; and Appellant’s Reply Brief. The forms and instructions are available on the Illinois Courts website.

In many communities, self-represented litigants (SRLs) face barriers when seeking to prosecute or defend an appeal due to complexity of the process, costs, and lack of information. Judge Jorge L. Ortiz, Chair of the Access to Justice Commission and 19th Circuit Court Judge, noted, “Self-represented litigants are asked to navigate complicated appellate rules and procedures that are unfamiliar to non-lawyers, and even lawyers who are not appellate attorneys. The release of the Supreme Court statewide forms and instructions will help make the appeals process more navigable for everyone and expands access to justice within all levels of our judicial system.”

The Appellate Forms Subcommittee consists of a diverse group of court stakeholders throughout the state. The subcommittee is chaired by Joshua G. Vincent, a partner at Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP, and includes the Hon. Mary K. Rochford, 1st District Appellate Court Justice; Melissa Anderson, Chief Deputy Clerk, Illinois Supreme Court Clerk’s Office; Amy Clark, Community Engagement Director, Illinois Legal Aid Online; Helen Doig, Senior Court Guide, Illinois Court Help; Tina Schillaci, Chief Deputy Clerk, 1st District Appellate Court; and Susan Simone, Director of Litigation and Advocacy, Land of Lincoln Legal Aid.

“There are incidental benefits from our subcommittee’s long-term collaboration,” Vincent said. “We have all learned something about each other’s experiences, whether it’s the direct pro bono representation of those who can’t afford an attorney to the daily needs and challenges the state’s dedicated court professionals face when trying to help SRLs. So, it’s been a great learning experience for all of us.”

Like all forms published by the ATJ Commission, the new Illinois Supreme Court forms are in plain language and are fillable PDFs. Statewide standardized forms not only streamline the legal process, but also play a vital role in promoting fairness and equity within the justice system.

“Navigating the appellate process, and particularly the procedures for seeking supreme court review, is a daunting task for SRLs,” Vincent said. “Our subcommittee takes great pride in the completion of these new form sets, which will not only help ensure access to justice, but engender greater trust in the judicial system.”