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Justice Mary K. O’Brien announces formation of judicial screening committee to fill at-large Thirteenth Circuit vacancy | State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts

Justice Mary K. O’Brien announces formation of judicial screening committee to fill at-large Thirteenth Circuit vacancy


Public invited to submit comments on applicants.

Justice Mary K. O’Brien of the Supreme Court of Illinois has announced the formation of a judicial screening committee for the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit.

The screening committee was formed for the purpose of assessing the qualifications of those who have applied to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Circuit Judge Cynthia M. Raccuglia, effective March 1, 2025. Under the Illinois Constitution, the vacancy will be filled by Supreme Court appointment.

After the committee has received public input, gathered information, and interviewed each of the applicants, it will report its findings to the Supreme Court of Illinois who will make the appointment. The person selected to fill the vacancy will serve until the first Monday in December following the November 2026 general election.

The screening committee consists of non-lawyers and lawyers who reside in the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit. The members of the committee are Justice Peg Breslin (retired); Judge Marc Bernabei (retired); Judge Rob Marsaglia (retired); Greg Vaccaro, LaSalle County Circuit Clerk; and Kellee Hill, retired school administrator and educator from the Streator area. Justice Breslin will serve as chairperson of the committee.

Applicants being considered for appointment to the judgeship are Jeremiah Michael Adams, Karen Kay Donnelly, Matthew Karl Krueger, James Robert Lindig, Christopher Ryan Minelli, MyLynda Joy Moore, Melissa Mary Olivero, Bradley Paul Popurella, Nigel Steven Smith, Greg Christopher Sticka, and Michelle A. Vescogni.

Members of the public are invited to submit written comments concerning the applicants by email to Comments must be in writing and received no later than 5 p.m. on March 28, 2025. Anonymous comments will not be accepted. All comments will be held in the strictest confidence by the committee and the court.