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Beyond the Bench - March | State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts

Beyond the Bench - March


Beyond the Bench is a monthly feature to get to know more about judges and justices in Illinois, beyond their legal duties.

Image of Circuit Judge Michelle S. Fitzsimmons

Name: Michelle S. Fitzsimmons

Title: Associate Judge

Circuit or Judicial District: 14th Judicial Circuit

Do you have a nickname? If so, who gave it to you and what’s the meaning behind it?

I have many nicknames, all dependent on who is talking. The most recent nickname, “Fitzy,” was given to me by my colleague, Judge Dan Dalton. Happily, it has seemed to catch on at the courthouse. Fitzsimmons is such a long name.

What activity makes you lose track of time?

I easily lose track of time when reading a good book. In fact, most nights I am up much later than I should be for that very reason.

What is one thing you want to do before winter ends?

Walk my yard to discover what plants are coming up, clean out my hummingbird feeders (again), and get ready for the liveliness of spring.

If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?

Stretch. Flexibility is hard to win back.

What was the best opportunity you ever received?

To serve my community as a Judge, of course!