Madison County Listening Tour | State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts Madison County Listening Tour 8/21/2020 August 21, 2020The first Access to Justice Listening Tour meeting was held virtually on August 20th with judges, court staff, and justice partners of Madison County and neighboring circuits in attendance. Chief Justice Anne M. Burke kicked off the meeting with remarks and Justice Lloyd A. Karmeier, Justice Mary Jane Theis, and Justice Rita B. Garman represented as the Illinois Supreme Court with Justice Burke.Illinois State Bar Association President David Sosin served as host and asked for comments from the 40 plus people present on the call. When called upon, attendees discussed the challenges of their jobs within the existing system, both before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, and provided insight into the justice system in Madison County. The Listening Tour continues virtually with Whiteside County on August 27th. See More News Posts