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Program on bail statute is Committee on Judicial Education's 1st webinar | State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts

Program on bail statute is Committee on Judicial Education's 1st webinar


February 28, 2018

On December 19, 2017, the Committee on Judicial Education of the Illinois Judicial College held its first ever webinar. The topic was on the upcoming changes to the Illinois Bail Bond Statute, effective January 1, 2018. The webinar was moderated by Judge Robin Stuckert, Chief Judge of the 23rd Judicial Circuit. Other participants on the webinar were Chief Judge Timothy Evans from Cook County, Circuit Judge Brad Paisley from the 4th Judicial Circuit, and Associate Circuit Judge Bill Yoder from the 11th Judicial Circuit.

245 judges registered for the webinar. The webinar was also recorded and is available for viewing by any Judge that might have missed it. Almost 400 judges have since viewed the recording. 

For instructions on how to do so, please contact Darli Cortez with the AOIC Judicial Education Division at The webinar provided useful information to Judges from all over Illinois to help them deal with the changes in the bail bond procedures in the new statute. Because of the success of this webinar, there will be future webinars for Illinois judges.