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Illinois Supreme Court extends eviction order to Oct. 3 | State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts

Illinois Supreme Court extends eviction order to Oct. 3


The Illinois Supreme Court announced an amendment to Order M.R. 30370 which extends the temporary stay on residential evictions through October 3, the same date that Gov. Pritzker’s moratorium is set to expire.

Amended Order M.R. 30370 is available on the Court website by clicking here.

The extension of the temporary stay through October 3 allows for more rental assistance to be distributed through the statewide Court-Based Rental Assistance Program (CBRAP) which was launched throughout Illinois on September 15. Under the CBRAP, litigants may qualify for up to 12 months of past due rent and 3 months of future rent to prevent eviction and homelessness.

The Illinois Judicial Conference’s Court Operations During COVID-19 Task Force (Task Force) recommended these amendments to the Court. The Court and the Illinois Judicial Conference created the Task Force in June 2020 to serve as a rapid response unit to address ongoing challenges to court operations caused by the pandemic. The Chair of the Task Force is J. Timothy Eaton, Partner at Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP, and the Vice Chair is Chief Judge Eugene Doherty of the 17th Circuit.